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Game Name : Lord of the Rings : The Third Age
System : Playstation 2
Date Added : 2005-01-07 12:12:27
Views : 40485

Ancient Elfstones
This code is primarily for people who have already beat the game at least once. If you want to start out a new game, there is a very effective way to boost your hit points, armor values, action points, and protection. First, start a new game in Eregion, then when you are near the Elven outpost save your game. Next, complete the Evil Mode of Pelennor Fields. After you successfully finish this, save the items you have acquired onto the new game save. You will now have Ancient elfstones, which cause your values to go up about 200 points (example: if you have 500 HP and you equip an Ancient Elfstone of Health Enhancement, your HP will be about 700 or so.) This technique is very helpful, especially during the early portions of the two Moria chapters.

Weapon and Armor Penalties & Advantages
When you equip a new weapon, make sure you look at its penalties and advantages. This can be done by pressing Square when the weapon's name is highlighted. Many weapons have special advantages that boost your Spirit (AP), Armor, Constitution (HP), and speed. More damaging weapons usually give you more health, but deduct some Speed from your character. The same goes for armor. If you have a set of armor (like Berethor's Citadel Guard chestplates, greaves, vambraces, helms, and faulds), having the entire set equipped can give you quite significant bonuses.

The Eye of Sauron
When you are fighting the Eye of Sauron, it is important to know quite a few things. It is best to have your party consist of Berethor, Idrial, and Eaoden. Berethor should have the following skills: Double Attack and Gondor Rampage. Idrial should have this skill: Elven Rage. Eaoden should have learned these: Frenzy, Drain Health, and Rampage of Helm. It is possible to beat Sauron without these talents, but it's a whole lot easier if you have them. To actually beat the Eye, use a Morgul Decay on him. This will completely remove his armor and make it possible to beat him in about two hits from Berethor. When you get to use Eaoden, hit Sauron with either Horse Lord Skewer, Rampage of Helm, or a three-hit combo. When you use Idrial, use either Elven Rage or use her to restore health and action points. When you get to Berethor, have him do a Double Attack, then use Gondor Rampage on Sauron. The Eye should be dead by the time Berethor has hit him twice with the five-hit move. If he isn't, just keep repeating these steps over and over again.

Minas Tirith Evil Mode
This Evil Mode is probably the hardest in the game. When you get to use the Witch-King, make sure you take out Gandalf first. If you don't, he can use Bolt of the Valar on you, which takes off about 24,000 HP every time. Then take out Berethor, who can smash you with Gondor Rampage. The other two warriors in the party are generally not as dangerous, so concentrate on them last.

NOTE: Elegost can really damage you with True Shot, so you might want to take him out too. Morwen can also slice off chunks of your health with Rohirric Rampage.

Hidden Chests
These chests are generally hard to find, since they are hidden in small places or behind walls.

Eregion - Search around the back of the Elven outpost, and there will be a small section of raised land behind the right wall. Go into it and find the chest.

Minas Tirith - Once you get to the highest level (the Citadel, where Gandalf tells you to find the Banner of Elendil), look behind a short wall that has some stairs near it. Open it and you will get a few very useful items.

Eregion Sidequests
Sidequests are smaller missions that are not required to beat the level. However, they can yield great amounts of experience points. The sidequests in Eregion are:

Hunt the Wild Men
Hunt the Warg Packs

If you complete these missions, Berethor can gain up to 2 extra levels. (If you are playing as Idrial or Elegost, they can also gain these levels.)

In several missions, someone from the Fellowship of the Ring or somebody from the movies will join your party to help you defeat a certain boss or difficult enemy. These are the people that will occasionally become a fourth member of your party:

Eastern Moria - Gandalf, when fighting the Balrog of Morgoth.

East Emnet Gullies - Aranel, when fighting large groups of Uruk-hai.

Helm's Deep - Legolas, when fighting the first battle on the wall, and Gimli, when defending the wall after it has been breached.

Osgiliath - Faramir, when fighting the boss Gothmog.

Minas Tirith - Gandalf, when fighting the Witch-King of Angmar.

Pelennor Fields - Eowyn, when fighting the Witch-King of Angmar again, and Aragorn, when fighting three huge trolls and some the eight remaining Ringwraiths.

Better healing
If you use Elf Medicine, try and use it with Idrial. If this is done, it will give full health instead of half.

Defeating the Witch King
To defeat the Witch King at the Pelennor Fields, make sure that you have Hadhod's Second Age Dwarven Mithril Piercing Axe and the Dwarven Mithril Helm. When you face the Witch King, use these attacks: Berethor's Stunning Strike and Ectehlion Wrath, Hadhod's Mountain Rage, and Eaoden's Enraging Blow and Rohirrim Rage. The Witch King has 200,562 HP and 59,098 AP.

Restore HP and AP
If you are low on HP or AP, find a save point. Save your game and both your HP and AP will be completely refilled.

Building skills
Get some of the best skills very early in the game, just practice. In the first level, find an enemy respawn point near a save point. Once there, keep attacking until you run out of AP and save the game. Your AP should have refilled, as well as your health. Keep doing this, and after a few hours you will get the special move from Berethor that can hit an enemy five times in a row. Note: This works for all characters, and not just Berethor.

Good sword for Berethor
To start the the game with a very good sword for Berethor (the first character you start with), do the evil mode of Osgiliath and save it on an early game. By doing this, you will get the Sword Of Isildur, which has a 200+ damage rating. At the beginning of the game, you can give at least 2,000 damage points from a normal hit with this weapon.

Everlasting health
Once your Elf healer gains the Valor move that presets whoever you choose with an instant revival when ever you die,
use it at the beginning of each battle on her first, then on everyone else. If you maintain this so that no enemies can truly kill you,you will almost always be the victor.

Transferring Evil Mode treasure
Any treasure acquired in Evil Mode can be transferred to a regular saved game.

Beating the Balrog
Beating this moster is very hard when you do not know how to beat him. He has about 70,000 HP and when he attacks, the attack can occasionally take off your AP and massive amounts of HP. Gandalf and three other players of your selection are with you. To beat him, stalk up on Elf Medicines (brings back a downed player) and keep Gandalf alive at all costs, use your other players to use the Elf Medicines, Kingsfoils, and Lambas potions to return health and AP to other players. I would recomend using Gandalf and the Elf Girl to attack it, use other charactors to use potions. WAtch out for Balrog attacks like Pilar of Fire and Inferno Breath, they not only take life off you, but also AP.

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